Tools, supplies, and other ground items
- transmitter: Used Taranis Q X7 ACCST 2.4GHz, battery, charger, sd card $188.
- battery charger, lipo compatible, JST-XH, built-in balancing
- RFD 900 ground modem, antenna, cable included with purchased radio bundle.
- battery tester
- fireproof lipo bags and/or containers like ammo boxes for storing, charging and transporting batteries.
- velcro straps and/or masking tape for fuselage dry fit
- cotton swabs for thread locker, glue
- servo tester
- laptop
- soldering iron and supplies
- aluminum for template. example .090" thick
- Permanent markers / Sharpies: black. Also silver for marking black surfaces
- tools: hex wrenches, screwdrivers (incl small phillips for servo screws), etc.
- saw(s)
- drill(s) and bits
- tweezers
- wire cutters/strippers
- heat gun
- hobby knife
- clamps
- paper towels for cleanup (like loctite)
- multimeter
- tin snips