
See notes on battery safety.

Qty 1 of Turnigy LiPo 4S 10Ah, 902 gm, dimensions 168 x 69 x 38 mm. $90. HobbyKing

  • 4 Cell
  • 14.8V (each cell is 3.7V nominal, 4.2V max, 3.8V storage)
  • Max charge rate: 2C (or 2* capacity). It may be better to charge at 1C, so 1C * 10Ah = 10 Amps.

Battery velcro straps. These can also be used to temporarily hold the fuselage together.

One alternative is to use a quantity of 2 of 5Ah batteries connected in parallel when you fly the mini talon. Two 5Ah batteries can be brought on a commercial flight (but verify this before flying). Connecting two identical batteries in parallel for mapping flights doubles the capacity (Amp-hours) while keeping the voltage the same. Important: If you do this, use identical batteries. This includes making sure they are of the same age and condition, which starts with buying them together, at the same time. Battery Turnigy LiPo 4S 5Ah 25C XT-90 JST-XH (14.8V, 74 Wh), qty 2, $41 ea, 552g ea, 147 x 49 x 33mm. Parallel XT90 adapter $4, 22g.

Good reference info on batteries: